Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment and Why it is required ?

When you have an infected tooth or badly decayed tooth. Your dentist will repair to save the tooth with a procedure called Root Canal.
During this, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue will become infected and dental abscesses may be formed.

Saving your natural tooth should always be your first choice over tooth extraction. Instead of extracting a non-vital tooth, you can often save it with pain-free root canal treatment. Here, the dentist and the caring team use the latest endodontic equipment and anaesthesia to provide a pleasant, comfortable experience.

Advantages Of Root Canal Treatment :-

  • Natural teeth are more efficient and stronger for biting
  • Cost is saved for artificial teeth to replace the missing tooth
  • Prevent tilting adjacent teeth towards the missing gap to cause further cavities, gum problems.
  • No damage to other teeth

Process Of Root Canal Treatment :-

First thing your dentist will do when you visit the hospital, is to get an X-Ray to see if tooth are in good shape; or if there are any infected canals that should be repaired.
Next, the doctor will make the affected area numb with the help of anaesthesia. It is required to make you relax and comfortable.
A hole is drilled into the tooth to make way for cleaning the pulp, decayed tooth debris etc. The debris or bacteria that is collected from infected teeth is flushed away simultaneously using water or sodium hypo chloride.
Once the teeth are thoroughly cleaned, they are sealed the same day or sometimes medication is put in affected teeth to remove any infection. Your dentist will determine the sealing timeframe.
In case, if the tooth is not sealed on the same day, a temporary filling is placed on exterior hole of drilled teeth to prevent food and other contaminants to enter the cleaned tooth.
Further a crown may be place on RCT tooth to make them fit for daily use. Your dentist will discuss with you about any other dental work.
Root canal treatment is not a painful procedure, but sometimes you may experience negligible pain during fillings.
At MaxiDent Dental Hospital, we make sure that your root canal treatment is less painful process.

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